Friday, February 15, 2019

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

Segment: Those that are young adults with pets that do not have much knowledge on pet food

Interviews: I interviewed three University of Florida students who own pets

Interview #1: This person did not realize there were many dog products in our stores that are actually harmful to our pets. They said that they wished there was actually an efficient way for people to find out what is good and bad for their animals so that the pet owners do not unintentionally do harm to their pets. They said that they just buy something different every time they go to the store and if their dog likes it, they will buy that product more often.

Interview #2: This person is simply trying to buy cheap products for their pet in order to save money. They know there are probably more nutritious products out there for their pet, but they do not have the money to get them it. He did say that if there was a way to find which of the cheaper products is the best for his pet, they would not hesitate to get it for them. They have not done any research to find this out.

Interview #3: This person again did not know about some of the harmful dog products on the market. They did not know rawhide was bad for dogs and admitted to giving their dog some in the past. This person said that they have searched online before in order to find which products are good and bad, but they have not been too successful. Different websites claim different things. They said they would be interested in a product like this in the future because they care about their dog deeply.

From the interviews I conducted, I realized that people are still really unsure as to what is good and bad for their pets. Even with some research online, people are still confused. A good amount of people are completely unaware that there are products out there that are bad for our animals. When people do realize the problem, they usually just search online since it is one of the easiest methods to get information.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Joseph, you have a great post here. I agree with your conclusion. Most people really don't know what is good or bad for their pet. I also believe most pet owners don't have the patience to search those stuff online. So if you make these information simple to them, they will be willing to bad you solution, thus making you product a hit.
