Friday, April 12, 2019

Your Exit Strategy

If I pursued this business, I would plan on selling it within the next five years. Might keep it a little bit longer after that if it is profitable and does not require much work from me. If somebody in my family was interested in taking over or saw high potential in it, I might keep it for longer. I have selected this particular exit strategy just because it is not a business I would enjoy running for a long period of time. I like pets, but I just do not have the same passion for animal food as I have for things such as football and music. I would want to get out of this business so I could go into something I would really enjoy doing. I do not believe my exit strategy influenced many of my other decisions. The opportunity I decided on what the opportunity that I saw the most easy to fix. My strategy has encouraged me to try to expand the company as much as possible quickly. I would not be as focused on maintaining customers as I would be attracting new ones, simply because they will not be a long-term customer for me.

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