Friday, March 15, 2019

Elevator Pitch No. 2

I was not given too much feedback, but I was encouraged to be more comfortable when giving my pitch. In the first one, I was apparently a bit nervous and tried to just get through the pitch. That is not a good method for success. The most comfortable people seem the most certain of their products or services and will be the people more likely to make the sale. Another person suggested I look around more. While I do agree that making eye contact with multiple people is good, I feel like it is a little strange in a recording to be looking around since it does not look like I am actually making eye contact. It will look more like eye contact if I look directly at the camera.

Based on my feedback, just tried to calm myself down more before doing my presentation. Even though I am not scared to give speeches, my body still shows some signs of nervousness. I really just tried to manage what I could and not feel rushed when making my video. It is okay if you do not get it perfect on the first try. You can always make another video if you do not like your original.


  1. Hey Joseph, I really think overall you an amazing job portraying your business concept through your elevator pitch. You sounded very persuasive and confident about the information you were giving the audience. You definitely improved but showing less signs of nervousness. However, I do think looking at the camera is not precisely what the professor wanted from us for this assignment, but I do understand your point of view as I also felt a bit strange doing that. I recommend not moving the camera so much as it could be a little disturbing.

  2. Hi Joesph, awesome elevator pitch! I thought that your presentation as whole was very clear cut and smooth. If you did not mentioned that you were nervous in the last elevator pitch, I definitely not would have known you were nervous. However, I do agree with Maria that having the camera in your hands especially if you are a little bit nervous can make the camera shake a lot. I high recommend placing the camera on a top shelf, it is pretty effective. Great elevator pitch overall!

  3. Hi Joseph,

    You explained the need well and establish the parameters of the product very clearly. The shaking of the camera is distracting. You come off as concerned regarding the product, if this was intentional it does convey a level of professional care. I think that you could speed up your speech a bit and utilize the time better. Overall well done.
