Friday, March 1, 2019

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

Alternative Evaluation: Through my interviews, I learned that a lot of people would prefer to just find products for their pets themselves. A lot of people would not be willing to pay for a service in order to find healthier food for their pets. Only a small amount of people would. However, people would be willing to use this service for free. I think the only real way this business would be successful would be if enough people use the service and it could generate revenue from advertisements. Money seems to be the biggest factor here. As long as their pets are healthy, they do not see anything they are doing that needs to be changed. 

How/Where They Buy: The people I interviewed generally buy their pet food at the pet store or grocery store. They normally get the same few foods every time, unless their pet gets sick from eating it. Pet food is a cheap product, so they always pay for the transaction immediately. 

Post Purchase Evaluation: The thing that matters the most to the purchasers are that their pets are fed and that they save money. They would feel bad if their pet had health problems, but they are not willing to act beforehand. As long as everything goes the way they thought it would, they would consider the purchase a success. The only way they would consider the purchase to be bad is if their pet gets sick. 

Conclusion: From my interviews, I got a different outcome than from my previous interviews. Earlier, interviewees seemed more interested in my service and there was hope. The three people I interviewed for this assignment told me the opposite. Buying pet food is generally an easy process and consumers usually do not put much thought into the food they purchase. They can get recommendations from workers at pet stores if they are unsure, and they are alright with that. I am felling a lot more pessimistic about my service after this assignment. 


  1. Hey Joseph, it is very interesting that through these interviews you learned a new perspective when it came to figuring out the mentality and behaviors of this segment. Although, I do not agree with your interviewees mentality and choices, I do understand where they are coming from. I think in order for you to come to a complete conclusion of whether to pursue this opportunity, you should have a larger sample size of interviewees to understand these perspectives.

  2. Joseph, having pets myself I can say that I put a good amount of thought into the food I give my pets. I think that more pet owners than you think put a good amount of thought into the pet food they buy. I agree with Benjamin that you should get a larger sample size. Don't get discouraged before doing that.
